CYBERCLONE 2000 questions our capacity to control how a next generation might turn out to be, discussing the risks and questioning the necessity of the creation of a human clone: “The Anticlone of the year 2000; your clone already exists in this planet or in another.” (CC2000, 1996) Would DNA manipulation be directed to encapsulate the human being? With an attempt to attain control over the formation of humans, we reach the extreme of reason, a control of the highest kind, the control of intuition, chance, and destiny. In “The Last Manifesto (of the Century)” (1997), I make a brief analysis of this global art project, its meaning and the consequences of cloning. I bring forth the significance of having the internet as a communication vehicle: “[...] a ‘fantastic world’ is created where truth is relative and coexists with imagination on the information ‘freeway,’ an adventure of the mind (Dreamtime – the modern aborigine).”