Cyberclone 2000
Solange Fabião in collaboration with Trixi Schaumberger, 1996-1997
CYBERCLONE 2000 was presented in the first Internet-based exhibition in a Venice BIENNALE, 1997
CYBERCLONE 2000 is a pre-Facebook, global internet-based social network that allows users to submit their portraits and personal data to match and communicate with living clones. It aimed to explore similarities and understand differences, and to consider the significance of truth in online dialogue when bringing a selected best group of clones to gather in person in New York in 2000.
CC2000 Angels, Solange Fabião, watercolor, 5 x 7 in, 1996
Our intention was to create an online database that gave people the opportunity to share their information and find their body doubles, bringing the best selection of clones to 'physically' meet in New York City in the year 2000. The site would also provide cultural, scientific, and philosophical information on the topic, cultural, scientific and philosophical. CC2000 website master: Daniela Cerrato
Portrait 1 to 3, Solange Fabião, slide projection on large format prints, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, Venice, 1997
Do I look like you?
Sheep Dialogue, Solange Fabião, Trixi Schaumberger, Molly and Dolly on the way to the Giardini della Biennale, 1997
CC2000 @ Giardini della Biennale
Big Deal!