Unique in Architectural Time

KIASMA, Helsinki, 1997

“Last year I photographed Kiasma, Steven Holl's contemporary art museum under construction. Internal shapes were beginning to show, yet still very mysterious. Steven Holl was to be interviewed; the idea was to follow him and the local team during the inspection of the site, and joining this tour was my first contact with the building. On the sidelines, I accompanied the tour of a museum in the process of being built.

Unique in Architectural Time:

Apprehension / instantaneous perception
Circumstantial enchantment – Architecture in Time
Oblique vision of space, a none space? Photography
Emotional Photography

The photographs show a moment of a museum before it turns to be final. The views are very particular, some really abstract, others even romantic. It is a very active series, where four rolls of b/w photographs were taken in less than two hours.” S.F., New York, 1998